Frequently asked questions

At Femme Propre, we strive to make things as simple and straightforward as possible for our customers. That's why we've compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions to help you get the information you need quickly and easily.If you don't find what you're looking for, our customer support team is always here to help. Just contact us and we'll be happy to assist you.
Are you open 24 hours/7 days a week?
We are open 6 days a week as of yet. We are available to work on Sunday's but it needs to be requested in advance so that we can make arrangements. If you need emergency cleaning, after hours that can also take place but at an extra cost p/h as it's out of our office hours.
Is there a booking fee?
Regular cleaning - all cleaning payments are processed through Go cardless. One off cleans - need to be paid 24 hours prior to the clean, if there's any issues on the day with access or last minute cancellation, you will lose out on your payment. If you would like us to carry out the clean once again you will need to pay again for the service.
What if I didn't book enough time?
We are more than happy to help but just incase you didn't book enough time, it may be possible the cleaner will be able to stay longer depending on availability. If you ever unsure on how many hours you may need. Please contact us directly and we will assist to the best that we can.
What cleaning essentials do I need at home?
When hiring a cleaner for cleaning services these are the things you need:

- Vacuum cleaner
- Mop/bucket Dust pan & brush| Broom
- Cleaning products ex, multipurpose cleaner, antibacterial cleaner, floor cleaner, glass cleaner, limescale remover, oven/grill cleaner, wood furnishing and granite cleaner. -- - Sponges, a variety of clothes for separate rooms and squeegee.
What extra cleaning services can the cleaner do?
Apart from the regular cleaning service the cleaner provides they can also offer you: Laundry Ironing Standard oven cleaning Fridge cleaning Changing bed linen

If you decided to any of the above  to your standard cleaning service, please note you will need to book extra time.  For example fridge cleaning 30 mins - 60 mins depending on the size and condition of the fridge.
What's the minimum hours for a clean?
You can change the email address associated with your account by going to from a laptop or desktop.
What type of cleaning do you offer?
- Domestic cleaning
- Deep cleaning
- Commercial cleaning
- End of tenancy
- Event services/after hours
Do you have vacuum recommendations?
Our favourites are Miele, Dyson, Sebo and Henry.  These are vacuum's that we vouch for as we have seen great power suction and have used before.
Do Femme Propre provide cleaning equipment?
Yes we do, but mainly for one-off purposes such as deep cleaning, end of tenancy and event services.
What general cleaning products do you recommend?
These are chemical based cleaning supplies that we recommend:
- Flash bathroom cleaner
- Flash kitchen cleaner
- Flash bleach
- Dettol antibacterial spray
- Domestos thick bleach
- Viakal
- The pink stuff
- Elbow Grease
- Cif